Wednesday, January 22

Day: April 5, 2021

3 Password Habits That Play a Huge Role in Cybersecurity

3 Password Habits That Play a Huge Role in Cybersecurity

Many cybersecurity firms and experts keep surveying employees globally to get an insight into what's their perspective on corporate cybersecurity. One such survey that goes by the name Workplace Security Survey revealed some worrying stats. The survey was conducted in the US and the data was shocking.  70% of employees feel that the cybersecurity protection of the company is the job of the company. They have no role in it whatsoever. 22% of employees revealed that they actually use their personal passwords as their business passwords too. 59% employees admitted that they put the safety of their personal devices and accounts before the cybersecurity of the company.  These figures clearly reveal that most employees are entirely unaware of the fact that they play a ...
An in-Depth Understanding of Competitive Intelligence and How to Apply This to Take Your Business to the Next Level

An in-Depth Understanding of Competitive Intelligence and How to Apply This to Take Your Business to the Next Level

The best way to grow your business is to act on your consumer’s feedback and understand what your competitors are doing to be steps ahead of you. Gathering and organizing these ideas to outshines your competitors and boost productivity is referred to as competitive intelligence. These can be best achieved by structuring the following; advertising, content marketing, SEO, and a social media strategy. The latter is the best handle by using competitive intelligence tools, which comprises software and apps that a company uses to gather and analyze important information to boost the business. There are a couple of competitive intelligence tools domineering today; below are comprehensive details on choosing the best tools and applying them for more efficiency. Top seven competitive intelligen...