Thursday, April 18

Day: June 2, 2021

Know why platelet-rich plasma is the ultimate secret to youthful skin and hair growth

Know why platelet-rich plasma is the ultimate secret to youthful skin and hair growth

Featured, Health
The health of your skin and hair are signs of a healthy body. Sun, aging, skin disorders, and heredity contribute to skin irregularities on the face and hindrance on your hair growth. Finding the best treatment modalities to treat aspects of skin and hair damage can be a bit hectic. Yonkers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) offered at Juvanni Medspa tightens your skin, rejuvenates your complexion, and even restores your lost hair. The aesthetics team provides this state-of-the-art treatment to help you look your absolute best. Please contact the clinic by calling or booking online to learn how you can benefit from PRP therapy. Know what platelet-rich plasma is As the name suggests, PRP is a compound derived from your blood obtained in a conventional draw. Platelets are the components that h...