Many cybersecurity firms and experts keep surveying employees globally to get an insight into what’s their perspective on corporate cybersecurity. One such survey that goes by the name Workplace Security Survey revealed some worrying stats. The survey was conducted in the US and the data was shocking.
- 70% of employees feel that the cybersecurity protection of the company is the job of the company. They have no role in it whatsoever.
- 22% of employees revealed that they actually use their personal passwords as their business passwords too.
- 59% employees admitted that they put the safety of their personal devices and accounts before the cybersecurity of the company.
These figures clearly reveal that most employees are entirely unaware of the fact that they play a huge role in the cybersecurity of the company they’re working for. They have no idea what phishing attacks are let alone the ways in which they can foil such attempts.
Thus, the first few things an organization is supposed to do includes the following.
- Educating their employees about phishing attacks.
- Educating their employees about the ways in which phishing attempts can be prevented.
- Making them understand that they play the main role when it comes to the online security of the company.
That said, things again come down to password hygiene and advanced password practices since it’s the backdoor password that is infiltrated by hackers to get unauthorized entry.
The following 3 password practices are, thus, some of the best options that can strengthen the cybersecurity of a company. Have a look.
1. Enabling MFA
MFA is the multi-factor authentication technique that focuses on placing 3 or more advanced factors (security layers) between the system and the internet. In other words, the information in the system can be accessed only after the successful clearance of all the factors. This practice is also highly recommended for employees working from home.
2. Developing the Habit of Not Reusing Old Passwords
Credential Stuffing is a kind of phishing attack where hackers take a long list of passwords and accounts and begin trying every possible combination. The chances that your old password could be in that list is high. Which is why reusing an old password can actually compromise cybersecurity.
Thus, make a new password every time you forget an old password instead of reusing something you once had.
3. Using a Password Manager Application
Don’t store passwords in any random file precariously since most files are not encrypted. The specific application that’s dedicated to password storage is the password management app and it is encrypted too.
To sum up, simple password habits can actually make your company much safer. So, do not ignore them.