Wednesday, January 22

How to take care of your bike?

All bike lovers want their bikes to be in perfect shape. But people tend not to maintain their bikes after some time of purchasing the bike. A motorbike should be well maintained so that it delivers consistently high performance. You should be very particular about maintaining the bike and overlooking one disturbance in the bike can risk your bike ride. Maintenance of bikes includes a different and wide range of factors that should be kept in mind. And additionally, a well-maintained bike will provide you with an extreme sense of joy. There are many service centers available in the market but you can rely on Surron Light Bee X, as they are the best sports bikes. You can also follow some simple tips to take care of your bike, some are mentioned below- 

  • Cleaning your bike

The most important and easiest way to maintain your bike is to keep it neat and clean. Use water and some amount of liquid soap to sponge your bike. You should also clean any type of clog with a brush and apply some degreaser on the chain so that it remains smooth. and never forget to inspect the tire.

  • Changing engine oil regularly

Check the engine oil of your bike regularly. It not only lubricates your bike but also keeps your bike cool. It also helps make your bike ride smooth. 

  • Check the air pressure in the tires

You should always check the tires of the bike. A small cut on the tire can cause the air to exit and blow away from the tire in a short time and can result in a punctured tire. And an inflated tire can make the tire burst out. You can check the tire in the gas stations regularly and don’t forget to replace or change the defective tire.

  • Check the battery and brakes

The battery should be inspected regularly and maintained so that it ensures a long lifetime and examine whether there are any leakages, ensuring that the battery is fully charged. Sometimes brakes become very tight which can lead to dangerous accidents so you need to keep a close check on the brakes and keep it smooth by lubrication


You should be very particular about the maintenance of the bike. As the bike consists of many complicated parts, you should inspect each and every part of the bike before going on a ride.